Arabic Classes

Unlock the Arabic language and take yourself, or your kid to the next level.

Arabic Classes
arabic classes

Arabic Classes

Our Arabic Classes are designed to help students improve their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, from beginners to advanced level. In these classes, you, or your children will understand Arabic from scratch by our native Arab instructors and progress all the way up to fluency. Also, you’ll learn how to use verbs and construct flawless, grammar-perfect sentences.

About the classes Plan

Arabic writing & Reading

Start by practicing reading individual letters, then move on to words and sentences.
We use the best Arabic reading materials such as books, newspapers, and websites to improve your reading comprehension. At the same time, we’ll teach you how to write, because as it’s well known, writing skill is related to your reading ability.

      arabic classes
      arabic classes

      Arabic writing & Reading

      Start by practicing reading individual letters, then move on to words and sentences.
      We use the best Arabic reading materials such as books, newspapers, and websites to improve your reading comprehension. At the same time, we’ll teach you how to write, because as it’s well known, writing skill is related to your reading ability.

          arabic classes

          Arabic Speaking

          Use the sentences you’ve gained in our classes in real conversations, with our origin Arab tutors. Also, we focus on building vocabulary and improving pronunciation and fluency to get into the mood of being one of the widespread Arabic communities.

              Arabic Grammar

              Understand the essential Arabic grammar. In order to apply Arabic grammar on a daily basis, or even apply it on your own study, you’ll learn the fundamental concepts of Arabic grammar from beginners to intermediate level.

                  arabic classes
                  arabic classes

                  Arabic Grammar

                  Understand the essential Arabic grammar. In order to apply Arabic grammar on a daily basis, or even apply it on your own study, you’ll learn the fundamental concepts of Arabic grammar from beginners to intermediate level.

                      arabic classes

                      Study both traditional Arabic (Fusha) and modern Arabic

                      If you’re learning Arabic in order to unlock the secrets & the beauty of the Quran, or just for other purposes, so our Great scholars are ready to take you deeper In the Meanings of Quran considering the context and its complex structure and put this in a way that fits your culture wherever you’re from

                          4. Professional Development

                          Arabic classes can also be beneficial for everybody pursuing careers in fields related to Arabic culture, such as Islamic education, counseling, or social work. These classes provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to work effectively in these fields and make a positive impact on their communities.

                              arabic classes
                              arabic classes

                              4. Professional Development

                              Arabic classes can also be beneficial for everybody pursuing careers in fields related to Arabic culture, such as Islamic education, counseling, or social work. These classes provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to work effectively in these fields and make a positive impact on their communities.

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